We Are The People by The Herrmannators

We are the People we've been waiting for
We are the People we've been waiting for
We are the People we've been waiting for
To lead us to a better life

Been walking down this road
For thousands of years
Believing what we're told
Caving to our fears
Now as we grow old
We've shed a billion tears
It's time for us to leave the fold
And get our lives in gear

The path we're on began
When empire took the stage
The powerful had a plan
The world to enslave
Since then they have ran
As though we're in a cage
But the rise of common man
Don't you think it's time that we should aspire
To finally find a way that all can see
A way to walk away from global empire
And move ourselves to earth community

Progressive thoughts have been
Majority all along
The money and the spin
Convinced us we were wrong
As the Turning begins
We find where we belong
Let's wash away our sins
And make our movement strong

modulate to A - chorus
Don't be afraid to lead!

Cover (front)